David - from what I can see, you want a rod that will cast further than an 83H, can cast up to 180g and pop poppers of that size and fish PE8. You also don't want it any longer than 8'3". Your last point is the real sticking point.
As you know, Carpenter have the Long Reef series which will do everything else you want except the length is a problem. I have a SP80M and it is one of my favourite rods but it will not cast as far as a rod that is 8'3". It also is great for up to about 150g poppers but I really wouldn't go much higher than that. That said, it casts plenty long and I feel the slight difference in distance is quite acceptable. You can help yourself along the way by using Varivas GT or GT SMP and using friction knots like the FG or PR knot.
The DJ83MH also looks quite suitable but this is the one rod I haven't seen myself. The spec slook about right for what you're looking for though.
You could look at a Ripple Fisher GT82LC which is 8'2" long and which will cast lures a long, long way. It will also handle poppers but I'd suggest 140 to 150g is about it's limit. I wouldn't go to 180g. This rod will also work stickbaits beautifully.
Another option (big dollars though!) is the Fisherman Big Game 82RS. This will handle PE8 and will pop the lures sizes you are talking about easily.
A Zenaq FC83-7 is also an option. 8'3" and good for PE8. Zenqs are also quite strong for their stated use. I'd be quite comfortable going to 170 to 180g poppers with this rod.
Taking into account where you want to use this rod, I'd look at the DJ83MH, the Ripple 82LC or Zenaq FC83-7. I'd probably lean towards the DJ or Ripple myself simply because I like these brands. If I was primarily going to be casting 130g poppers, I'd probably look at the Ripple but if I wanted more scope to go up in weight, I'd go the DJ.
Just a word of warning with these longer rods considering you're after maximum distance - don't get a wind knot!!