I've been getting a number of PMs and e-mails about the availability of Carpenter rods so I thought it might be easier if I simply posted my understanding of where things are at the moment. Please note this is not intended to be for anything other than the information of members who are in the market for Carpenters popping rods.
In a nutshell, I suspect there will be little available from international distributors for much of this year. I understand there will be a small number of DJ-83s available but not much else as far as popping rods go.
Hopefully, this situation will be alleviated by the end of the year after Carpenter is able to get on top of its domestic demand in Japan. I have no idea of what may be available if you have contacts in Japan as I do not know what is on the production schedule for domestic purposes.
Konishi San was here for a few days recently for the ill-fated week one of Shoalwater and I made him aware of how popular the heavy Super Popping rods (in particular) are here. He has advised that he will get back into producing these as soon as he is able so those of you who have heard that these are no longer going to be made should treat that as a false rumour. That said, I think it is fair to say that there are other models that will get priority in production.
With a bit of luck, we might start to see the availability of rods slowly open up again from late this year.
So, if you want a Carpenter, they will be available again in hopefully, the not too distant future. You just need to be a little patient. For those of us who have been popping for some time, we are used to waiting patiently for our Carpenters. This is an age old issue!
Jon, did you want to add anything?
....... and no Mick, I do not have a SP78UHL I want to sell!