Hey Andy, I really liked the 79R, I found it nice to cast with and easy to work all day...it definately finds its limits on the poppers over about 160 though and it doesnt really work them well at all. The PF was a bit heavier and cast beautifully, but I think you would notice the difference casting it all day...it blooped the poppers a bit more easily
I didn't use the H but it did look a heavier stick again
Hey Darren, I didn't take my GT Special but Nomad had a number on board and I used one a few times when my rod was being re-rigged...It is obviously a strong rod and I am sure it will catch fish...that being said having used the Ripple Fishers and also the Komodo Dragon I took with me I am not sure I can go back to the GT Special and will probably look to move it on to someone who will use it...it didn't cast anywhere near as nice as the Reversal and I dont think it would make much of a stickbait rod
We didn't use stickbaits a lot but at one stage when we though the fish were holding a bit deeper I put on a Dogtooth 150 and that is what I got my 25kg GT on...the reversal worked that lure quite well....Neale also tried a squid pen at one stage which looked seeeexxxxy but went back to a popper I think after a few hours
Hey John good to hear you got another one...sorry I didn't put in more non-fishing detail I was a bit pressed for time but really just wanted to get something up....if you are interested in a more full report you can check one out at
www.sydneyangler.com.au which is a Sydney forum I am a member of, but I think you will have to join up
Hey John thanks for not mentioning that after I flew through the air and hit the esky (my right shoulder is still sore) I threw my rod into the corner of the boat and yelled obscenities at it....the Reversal and I have made up now however and it is talking to me again
As for Neale how scared was that Queenie? What I should have put in the post and didn't is that we were cruising over to a Queenie we had released which was floating, to try and swim it for a bit, when Neale climbed out onto the swimboard without Glan knowing....Glan was gonna miss the spot so he gunned the engine....in when Neale, rod and all! He had the presence of mind to hand me his rod, then we all pissed ourselves laughing.....oh, and the Queenie got such a fright that Neale was coming for a swim with it that it swum off no worries