Interested to know what type/brand of braid you guys like to use for popping and why.
For me, I only use two brand/model not because I am necessarily married to the use of these but because I prefer to stick with what has worked for me and I haven't had the fishing time (or the money!) to try alll the other brands out there. The two I use are TF XP and Varivas GT. I have, of late started to use the TF XP more than the Varivas and while some GT fishos out there will consider what I am about to write as almost sacrilegious, it's what I believe based on my experience.
I like TF XP the best all round as I find that it's the best all round performer for me. In particular, I have found the incidence of wind knots has reduced quite significantly in comparison to when I used the Varivas GT. I still use the Varivas GT in the 130lb because it is a finer diameter but that's all. I use TF XP for pretty much all other poundages.
For me, I found the combination of the Varivas in 80lb and to a lesser extent,100lb problematic with the Stella 10000 in particular. The Stella 10000 spool is, in my opinion, the best casting spool out there. That said, with Varivas GT, the line just seemed to come off too easily and while I could cast noticeably further with it than I can with the Saltiga, the wind knots were at times terrifying.
Overall, the best combination for me as been the Dogfight/TF XP combo or the 10000/TF XP combo. The 10000 will cast further but gets a few more wind knots for me. On the other hand, I like to carry some 130lb for Shoalwater type situations and I load this onto a 20000 spool and a Dogfight spool.
The Varivas GT is regarded by many as the best popping line out there but to me, it's a bit too soft and fine. It's great in the 130lb but I don't like it in the lower poundages as I simply get too many wind knots. I acknowledge this could simply be some deficiencies with my technique but I know a number of others who have the same view. Btw - I am paranoid about ensuring that I do not overfill my spool.
I did note that the one who got the most (and worst) wind knots on my last trip was using Varivas GT exclusively. He was casting a mile but every wind knot meant at least 15 minutes out of action.