Managed to get out last Sunday. Weather looked a bit iffy in the morning but the arvo was expected to calm off so we made the call. When I woke up at 4am it was a bit blowy and the trip out was a bit choppy but it was worth it. First off we tried a spot that's produced a few fish in the past. After half a dozen casts each and no hits we moved on to a spot that's been extremely reliable for us. First cast and my Orion stickbait was scoffed within seconds. Came up trumps with an average sized GT and not bad start for the morning.

Brads turn was next and on his first cast he got slammed by something big but failed to hookup. Next cast and he hooked onto a Spaniard around the 20kg mark that got airborne and cut off his GT2. Damn. Several minutes later after re rigging we noticed it floating on the surface about 50m away. Score.
Had a few more casts in this area then moved along to another spot where we've hooked plenty of fish. After a few casts Brad got a MASSIVE hit in extremely shallow water that probably would have resulted in the loss of his GT2 again. Luckily for his sake he didn't hook up.
The wind started to blow steadily out of the east and our drift along the island was perfect. Before long, Brad had another good hit and this time he connected. After a good fight we landed the second GT for the day.

It went a little quiet for a while but we continued to fish around the same area. I got another hookup right on the edge of some shallow water and managed to extract the fish. Landed our 3rd GT for the day.

We continued to pop hoping for some more GTs. Brad had two coral trout repeatedly try and snatch his lure at the same time until eventually one of them hooked up.

We decided to head over to another island where we've got some good fish at over the past few weeks. Unfortunately I think the tide had started to slow too much and there were no fish to be seen. There was no bait around but we persisted for a while before heading home. Calmed off like it had forecasted and it was a great ride home. All in all a good day on the water and happy with the GTs we got.