i think it has alot to do with terrain, with crevices you would want to stop them i figure, same goes with pilons... but over fairly uniform reef i have found GTs to go fairly high in the water column OVER the coral... perhaps even with more pressure applied they are more likely dive deeper, and hence closer to danger.
i have caught some stoopid sized fish over pretty gnarly reef on 20lb gear. i had no choice but to go with the flow... where i have fished a 20kg fish is very landable on 30lb tackle with an experienced angler and good crew
in most cases if the fish wants to brick you then, it will (think bass and big cod)... i know guys even opening bail arms to confuse fish... any1 familiar with the "fishing DVD series"? there is a segment with landbased longtail tuna, its pretty eye opening stuff to see fish change direction when pressure is dropped... perhaps something to consider
i will post a pick of my lil brother and a 20-25kg fish, 30lb tackle... at any time if this fish wanted to bust him it could have. the reef drop is from about 1.5-2.0m to about 12-15m, pretty clean reef very few crevices... we didnt attempt to drag it to deep water, just followed him into the flats and fought him there