Well forcast was awesome for today however with the amount of rain we have had up her in the last week(over 300mm) Kelvin8tor and i decided to spend the first half of the day doing some exploring on the way out to or GT ground. We trolled using our barra gear and managed a heap of good cod up to around the 5kg mark.
It was getting quite hot so we decided to have a dive around some fishy looking structure in the hope of finding some ocean barra. Well we did, we found some really awesome looking ground and through the coarse of the dive i saw probably 5 or 6 barra ranging from around the 40cm mark to about the 90cm size, marked that spot in the GPS, i will be back!
Anyway we moved on to a pretty common piece of ground, first cast (thats 9 from 9 now) and i landed a small big eye trev, not a GT but good fun. It is very neapish in the tide at the moment so not really ideal for GT fishing but hey, we decided to have a crack anyway. Kelvin8tor was the next to hook up, his first ever fish on popper, not huge and not a GT but still good fun. He was stoked to land a nice little brassey trev, it was released.

Anyway things were quiet so we decided to move to some better ground. We arrived to see schools of fusilers all over the place, there we heaps of spanyids, queenies and other mackeral everywhere, looked promising for some fish anyway. We both threw out our poppers and sheldon got bricked by a horse GT on about his third cast (told you you need for than 50lb mate) and i got a hug hookup from another GT straight after him, i didnt land it unfortunately. Next cast i did hook up and manage to get it to the boat except my deckie had the net upside down and bodged it, fish got off again
A big school of spanyids came rightast the boat so i grabbed my barra rod (only rod with a lure on it) and flicked it out, got a hit straight away and i was on, except it wasnt a spanyid, somehow in a school of about 20 macks i managed to hook a nice trout around the 60cm mark, no time for photos because it was too action packed, straight into the esky
I picked up the GT stick again and threw into into the bait school, straight away i was on. Sheldon drove the boat and draged me into some blue water, finally after we had dropped about 4 i had one in the boat, not huge but good fun

WE took turns driving and chucking poppers, sheldon was the next to hook up. Went pretty hard for a small G train but he did well in between laughing at how much fun surface fishing was in shallow water. Good stuff mate, you got your first GT, and on popper too!

Kelvin8tor's first GT
Anyway it was my turn, i threw out another cast and watched as about 15 (no not stretching the truth) GT's argued over my popper, my lure got thrown into the air by a missing GT and somehow i managed to get it back to the boat without a hookup. I could see the school so i threw it near them, straight away i was on. There were some BIGGGGG fish in that school but the one i managed to hook was one of the smaller ones, still good fun

GT ville

Another suberb in GTville
Well sheldon was rooted so i had another cast. It was the first cast after the last fish and i watched as another GT took swipe after swipe at my lure, finally after the third attemt it got it, and it wasnt letting go. This fish was a little bigger (the biggest landed for the day) and put on a really good show. After sheldon moved the boat into deeper water we netted the fish and that was it. Great fun

Getting stretched

Biggest landed for the day, no where near the biggest seen
Well with our arms stretched we decided to call it quits for the day, had a beer on the way back to the ramp, what an awesome day in the Pilbara