A lot of people (quite understandably) ask for recommendations where the jigging and popping is exceptional. If I knew of such a location, I reckon I'd be keeping it under wraps!

The reality is that most locations are generally either better for popping or for jigging. Some will offer great popping with the opportuntity for some jigging or great jigging with the opportunity for some popping.
if you want to catch dogtooth and money is no object, I'd say Diamond Islet with Nomad is about as good as it gets. I see lot of good doggies caught in many parts of the world but in terms of sheer quanity of fish, it's unbelievable. Personally, I think you're always better off focussing your trip around either jigging or popping.
I think it is also important to keep in mind when wandering off the beaten track just how important a decent captain/guide is. Without this, you already have one arm tied around your back. We tend to take this a little for granted when we espouse how great some locations are without acknowledging that we'd catch bugger all without the captain/guide with the local knowledge.
While I understand the desire to find new grounds, I'm quite happy personally fishing the beaten track, especially if that means expert guides who know their area intimately.