Well we got out for a fish today, the weather wasnt too bad , got a bit blowy and a bit too green and weedy but hey cant really complain i suppose, life is pretty good up here. Moved into spot number one for the morning and got a fish on the second cast, was only a couple of KG's but they cant all be horses. Was still good to get the monkey off the back straight away

nice morning

Rat GT number 1
moved along to some more fishy looking ground, got a good follow from a rather large fish then another rat GT on the next cast. There were fish all over the joint, Fozz dropped two one probably around the 15kg mark and another unknown but pretty solid.

another rat

and another
we moved along further and keept finding the little fish, i managed a nice wind knot and while i was re rigging after having to cut my line fozz hooked on to a really good fish. I pushed the boat into some deeper water and the rest is history. The fish dogged him deep for a while and sure stretched the arms. Was great to put fozz on to his first GT, i even lent him a Craftbait GT2 to help him out, well done mate!!

approx 20kg's on a GT2

well done mate first on popper
well i was trying out one of my new Full Scale Kong 180's was pretty luky to keep it after about the 5th cast. A spanyid about 15kg's launched about 4 meters out of the water with my lure in its mouth, was pretty funny. It managed to stick and i landed a nice mackie without busting off, not a bad by catch i suppose

spanyif on a Kong180

Full Scale Kong 180 (aussie owned and made get behind them)
Anyway i got another couple of rats, i also got BRICKED!!!!!! and pinged by a big GT, first time i have been pinged for quite a while, ahh well thems the breaks i suppose. Also stopped for quick spear on the way home, speared my PB Jack prob 63-65cm however a bronzie decided it wanted it more than i did, ahh well

another Rat
not a bad day home just after lunch