Before I fished the first time on Gt's my targets were tarpons, jack crevalle, leerfish, barra's, ...
The type of popping action I used in the Atlantic was mostly the same : for all the mentioned fish (except for tarpon) a relatively rapid retrieve with big splashes and that almost everytime did the job.
First time I targetted GT's was in Mauritius where the local captain of a charter introduced me to this more extreme way of fishing poppers.
The way of fishing was more demanding : throwing harder, retrieving faster, a lot faster...
That's the way I adapted it and it was also the way I tought you had to fish GT's.
Now I know better : sometimes this very fast retrieving of the popper does still work but the slower way with a lot of splashing and pauzes also works, or the "walking the dog" just beneath the surface.
Conclusion : you have to adjust your way of fishing regarding the time, place and situation your in.
Always fishing the same motion with the same lures is missing a great deal of fish.
At least : that's my opinion !