I share your sentiments exactly Brandon, it is disgraceful how some anglers handle their fish.
For the time being, i am happy not to weigh fish, instead opting to estimate. Sure we will never know the exact weight but that's life for me. Taking quick photos is all i am willing to do, then revival of the fish is the most important priority while this is done.
I have come a long way in regards to being able to tell the weight of a fish. I have made mistakes in the past, only through experience in the field will you get better.
There are those out there that wish to use the 'formula'. I appreciate the fact that there are people out there trying to work this out but it simply isn't for me. No need to take various measurements of the fish and increase the length of time out of the water - perhaps in the future when GT data is being collected for research purposes and not for angling, then it may be more appropriate from my point of view. From the results i have seen, arguabley, the formula is still questionable at best. Some of the people pushing this formula (not to name names) also feel a need to question credible skippers ability to estimate fish - not something that i agree with since the people being questioned are possibly the BEST in the field

. Period. Tells you something about some characters in the GT scene