This is report belong to my friend, Mr. Joko. He just came back from fishing trip at Komodo Island, Indonesia.
Date: 07-09 August 2009
Location: Komodo National Park - Indonesia
Anglers Name: Joko Susanto, Anthony Dillon, Joeali Santoso, Rudiyanto
Ship Name: Xtreme Ulua (
|| Xtreme-Ulua.com - Popping & Jigging ||)
Captain: Rahman Kosasih .
Spot: The entire area Rinca and Komodo Islands .
Wind: South-Southeast
Current: North to South
Weather: Sunny
Waves: Calm mostly except a little rough in the southern areas .
Fish caught n released : Giant Trevally , Red Bass , Grouper , Barracuda .
The biggest catch : Giant Trevally - 30 kg.
Fishing Technique: Popping (C & R)
Bait I used : Mostly Stickbait .
Dear all,
I am happy to report & share my fishing experiences in the islands of Komodo national Park onboard Xtreme Ulua . The area we fished is still very much a prime fishing area that in total we caught n released a total of 25 fishes in 3 days fishing with numerous failed hook ups and a few line breaks due unstoppable fish that took our line and cut by the corals . We certainly learned a lot and would like to return again in a not too distant future to try again with our new found technique .
Sea conditions were good , a little rough and greenish water in the southern part of the National Park , else where the sea was calm and clear water mostly . Temperature of the water is between 25 ` 27 Degree C which is quite good .
During this trip despite the condition not being prime , we still get a lot of strike in the western part and the eastern part of Komodo Island as well as that of Rinca island , including around south of the Padar island which have many small islands and rocks jutting out from the deep sea .
Various lures were used but stickbaits proved to be the most effective lures albeit poppers got some strikes too , however definitely stickbaits were choise of lures to fool the already " educated " GT in Komodo Nationasl Park .
The boat we use is very well designed boat for popping especially , the bow can accomodate 4 anglers casting simultaneously with having to duck out when one of the angler do the casting , another angler can use the rear side but time there is no need for that . Sleeping facilities is very good in the large airconditioned and 4 anglers can sleep with ease , in this trip we have a very big guy and there is no problem for him to sleep and move about in the boat .
The boat's other facilities such as eating n showering are sufficiently comfortable and most importantly , the crews are familiar in the area and have vast experiences in GT popping technique so they can help anglers by manouvering the boat in such a way to help the anglers to fight the stubborn fish in full control .
Joko Susanto
