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Dave Schmidt

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getting back to the basics...
July 29, 2009, 10:17:02 PM
Hey guys Im wondering if you would be so kind as to lend some info my way on what sort of areas you fish for GT's. I have recently moved to Broome and have cast poppers round till my arms have nearly fell of trying to raise a GT landbased. No luck so far but my luck may have changed. I have just bought a 4.2m tinnie and can finally get off the rocks ;D. We have massive tides here up to 10m of movement over the new and full moons, down to 2-3m over the neaps. There are no islands around and no shallow reef that i have heard of yet, so I am stuck as to where to start popping. Is there a certain depth you concentrate on or is any depth too deep to raise them?? With the big tides it isnt hard to find current lines so could this be a starting point? Any info would be greatly appreciated as I have hit a brick wall so to speak on where to find these addictive fish.


Mat Selwyn

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Re: getting back to the basics...
August 08, 2009, 12:20:18 PM
cant help with broome mate but we have similar tidal movement here in Darwin and I find after the neaps leading up to the full moon productive with a high change anytime in the afternoon. 10 days after the new moon onwards. Any structure with some current and sand nearby works up here. Seem to pull alot up off the sand near the rocks or wharves. It's been a very late and slow pelagic season here as well as other parts of the territory. May be a quiet year over your way also.

Andrew Poulos

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Re: getting back to the basics...
August 08, 2009, 03:48:49 PM
Have you tried around the large jetty where the cargo ships come in? I saw some large trevally, not GTs though, landed there when I was on holidays there.

Jay Burgess

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Re: getting back to the basics...
August 08, 2009, 04:15:30 PM
The shallow tidal waters around Broome don't seem particularly productive for any significant populations of GTs. When I target GTs I usually fish the deep drop offs around offshore reefs and islands, geographics that Broome seems to be lacking. You could try around the Lacepede islands but again, it's very shallow.
Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 04:29:45 PM by Jay Burgess

Dave Schmidt

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Re: getting back to the basics...
August 09, 2009, 11:00:13 AM
Have you tried around the large jetty where the cargo ships come in? I saw some large trevally, not GTs though, landed there when I was on holidays there.
No i havnt tried the jetty as it is so high and you usually need to gaff the fish to get it up so releasing isnt really an option, but i have heard of some big fish being caught there.

Dave Schmidt

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Re: getting back to the basics...
August 09, 2009, 11:05:22 AM
Thanks for the reply guys, im sure there are GT's round here somewhere its just a matter of time before i stumble across a spot that produces them. Its all part of the fun sussing out how and where to fish a new location and i still enjoy the challenge. Will hopefully post some pics soon all going well ;)
thanks again

Nathan Cefai

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Re: getting back to the basics...
August 09, 2009, 01:56:37 PM
Thanks for the reply guys, im sure there are GT's round here somewhere its just a matter of time before i stumble across a spot that produces them. Its all part of the fun sussing out how and where to fish a new location and i still enjoy the challenge. Will hopefully post some pics soon all going well ;)
thanks again

Thas it mate,just gotta find them and where they would hold!!

Andrew Poulos

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Re: getting back to the basics...
August 09, 2009, 02:10:05 PM
I fished the rocks on the right and left of the jetty. Just dont fish when the tide is coming in. I was on some rocks and saw the water rise pretty quick around the back of me.