Nice bar cod, very tasty
It is funny that you put this up today, I went out on Sunday off Sydney to Browns Mountain, we stopped on the way and jigged up a bunch of kings and bonito in 100m then hit the mountain itself...
We were fishing the north eastern corner, where apparently they take quite a few blue eye (i got one there last year on bait). The depth was 500m
I had my Hots Wei World and Stella 20000FA with me, and as it so happened I had recently loaded up the Stella with 600m of 50lb braid
So, on went a 500gm jig and down she went. The conditions were so good and there was so little current that the jig hit bottom easily, and the line was straight up and down with no need to reposition the boat

First jig was lost within about 20-30 seconds, leader shredded by hungry gemfish
Another jig went down with 30cm of wire trace and I was on in no time...ended up landing 3 gemmies this way and dropping a 4th about 50m from the surface

Wasn't too bad at all with the 4-5kg gemmies, though would have known all about it if I had hooked a 15kg blue eye like last year on a similar set up