Ok here it is,
so far i have worked out that i am going to use white beech wood(think).
next i have some 200Lb 7 strand wire, swivels rated 150Lbs, and going to go and get some Gal fencing wire
in the popper i am planning on drilling a 4mm hole the whole way thru the guts. once that is done then i am going to drill another hole that meets the long hole half way( middle treble hook) in that hole i will put a swivel. next i will put the fencing wire the whole way thru the lure making sure it goes thru the middle of the swivel and some how make it doubled by twisting it off so that the fencing wire is a continuous loop.
(my english sucks i know)
then get some 24hr araldite jam pack it into the holes and then hold both end I.E. front and back of popper and start forming a loop by twisting the wire in opposite directions from both end. this does 2 things, one it mixes the glue to form a stronger bond secondly it helps told every thing tightly.
message me back if this makes any sence and if it does if it will work

The dumb one