Thanks for the feedback boys.
Jon, indeed it is.

The thing is, any feature of a new lure design has pretty much been done before already, so the question I constantly find myself asking is "where does imitation end, and innovation begin"?

Andre, the dilemma of my life is that I don't get enough chances to actually fish with my lures in GT water!

But regarding the holographic finish, I found a sign writer supplier who stocks holographic adhesive in a range of patterns. The problem is that I had to cut out the shape of each individual panel of adhesive, and affix it piece-by-piece. So yep, very time consuming! Lucky it's a hobby though.
Laurent, man those poppers look great! Nice deep cup faces for big blooping spray. The GT's will love that. Regarding the finish, what specifically did you want to know? A basic rundown for you: my lures have 2 coats of West Systems epoxy as a wood sealer, then an primer undercoat of paint, 2 coats of colour, holographic finish, then 2 clear protective coats to seal the paint and holographic adhesive. My system needs some refinement, because the lures tend to get easily damaged being cast into the brick edge of my swimming pool!

Anthony, yep, the wire is stainless welding rod....I think it's 316 grade in 1.4 or 1.6mm thickness. Most welding suppliers should have the sort of stuff required for these sorts of lures.