Hey there guys
I fished New Caledonia 2 weeks back with a friend of mine,flew in on the sunday and started fishing first thing monday morning up north 3hours from noumea..Wind was from the south east or direct east so the west coast was pretty calmed out and stinking hot and a bit of heavy down pour over night which cooled it down for a us a bit but never cooled the fishing down..
I fished 5 days for a total of about 30-40 GTs with plenty of by catchs along the way,Red Bass,Coral Trout,Grouper,lost heaps of spanyids,some were dead set monsters and lost a pretty good sized doggy on the jig and it was the first drop and the only drop i done to,just wasnt happy with losing that fish also,reason being i called it for a dog was that it wore threw my Kevlar after 15mins and my jig came up bent like capital L...I was Drivin around most of the time and i was the only one fishing between me and 2 mates,so it was pretty full on...
All GTs were caught on poppers from 150G to 200G,the most popular lure that got attacked was the EBI POPP in black 140G,Sevensea Jai Big head 170G and Kronik 200G,stick baits be tryed but no sucess even though it was flattend out..
I managed a small GT sight casting from the sand island where we were having lunch on the friday,he was cruzing the flats and popper was straight in there and no hesitation and wack he was all over it,big popper = small GT...
Some of the biggest fish were off channel markers and first cast in was always a hook up for me off the markers with some solid fish..
You Hear in every report pretty much that someone always sees a beast or get cleaned up in no time,my first day within the first 5 cast a monster GT hit my popper about 15ft from the boat and ran me around a mushroom that we were popping of and it was over instantly...

...For the rest of the week i hooked atleast 4 fish that would of been 50kg,just could set the hook or hooks pulled,some fish striked once and never came back,some would stay connected for 10seconds but i rekon they just come up grab the lure that tight with there jaws that the hooks can barley be set into there mouth,then they just spit the lure out and laugh..
Also had 2 little sail fish in the hole week chase my popper but could never stay connected either,thought i hooked one,she started leaping and watched the trebles slide from her lips all the way off her bill and she was free as free willy...Would of been a cracker fish for me...I Love Sailys..
Was a great trip for me as they always are in New Caledonia with many fish..
Some Pics below..