hey guys just thought i would post a quick trip report of some popping action in the whitsundays
last weekend.
myself and a few friends decided to spend a couple of days cruising and throwing poppers around the
whitsunday group covering every where from Hayman in the north to Lindeman in the south with a ton of islands in between creating current lines every where we looked the scenery down there is amazing !!!
The first day we had an early start which was extremely quiet with only a couple of follows, and the odd strike from mack tuna and some spanish mackeral, that afternoon though things really fired
up with the fish coming on the chew with the turn of the tide and one corner of an island we could see the fish cruising hard up against the rocks 2 poppers go in and all of a sudden 20 fish come from everywhere to attack the lures and a double hookup results on 2 fish about 15 kg, this one corner produced 5 fish before they went quiet from that spot but we only had to find the next pressure point to get another strike or a fish, we had some bust offs from small fish but we also had some massive wipeouts on fish we estimated at well over the 30kg mark.
After a great nights sleep in the boat and waking up to such a beautiful back drop it was'nt hard
to get excited about another days popping, although today was'nt as crazy as the first but we managed to find some nice fish with one estimated between 25 and 28 kg, the spaniards gave us a bit of a towling on the second day and we found some greedy little mack tuna with eyes bigger than there belly's attacking 150 cuberas and 140 ebipops.
overall it was a great trip with some good fish and also seeing a few things i had'nt seen before
like a pack of 20 or more gt cruising the current lines and pressure waves which was amazing and we even had a comp on who could catch the smallest fish when we anchored up for the night. most of the fish caught were between 16 and 25kg with the one bigger fish, and also seeing a massive gt
follow a popper back to the boat only about 30 meters from were tourists were snorkelling near
a major resort.
We will be back !!!