Hi Jerry,
Welcome to the site.
In addition to the email i sent you some time back....
You simply need to take the one road from Noumea and travel to the north - there are stacks of areas that you could explore and cast a rod. You will be able to see river mouths, reefs and luminous flat systems while driving along. However, I would take caution when entering the flats and coastal areas in certain parts of the Northern Province - the local native people do not like you fishing in their fishing grounds.
At Malabou (near Boat Pass) there is a breakwall and little bay at the Malabou Beach house - use spinning gear with poppers, metal slices and soft plastics for anything from big GTs, Mangrove Jacks, Barracuda, assorted cods and groupers etc. Apart from Bonefish at Boat Pass, cast into the main channel for just about anything - spin or fly.
Unless you can get a boat, i would leave the overhead gear at home - there's far better fishing around than trolling.
Unfortunately, i think you will find it difficult to find someone to split a charter with at that time - but since you have joined this site, there are members that regularly go there from this forum that you may be able to hook-up with in the future.
I also know about a secret flats spot which has massive GTs that haunt the shallows - but that's for me to explore further in the future

or, you need to tag along with me next time
