Hey Travis, good one mate. The A frame just blew our minds when we were there. Worth a trip out just to hang out there for a few days I reckon - we're too busy popping though hey.
Is that the little spit on the eastern end of Pine Islet your walking on in that pic? We caught a few good gts around there one morning.
Yeah that's the one Steve, some shallow territory around there but it did look mighty fishy. The A Frame was awesome, easy to while away some time just wandering around looking at all the name plates. I didn't realise the homestead was so far away from the A frame, I wanted to drop up and say hi to the caretakers...called them on the radio and said so only to be told "to bring your water bottle, it's hot and it's over 3km up the hill"....."romeo that, ahem, cough, rightio, ok - we might, ahem, see you later then, cough"