Headed out for a trip on Wednesday. We had watched the weathe all week and although rainy the change wasn't due through till thursday arvo so we packed for an overnight camping trip. As we took off though the bureau changed their forecast to say the change was due that afternoon?? This caused a change of plans and we cancelled the overnight plans.
The weather was fairly ominous, there's a photo of the weather around here somewhere - that is the direction we ended up going. It rained most of the time we were out and it was a good chance to test my more gees in rainy weather theory.
First spot Pat hooked up to his first GT on popper - a lil one but good start. Then off the next spot Warwick missed a strike from a whopper...it looked like someone had dropped a 44 into the water from about 3m up! We then moved around and kept missing missing fish - the best part though was these strikes and fish were coming from spots we had popped in the past for no luck.
Then out to ole faithful but only had one pass before we spotted working birds and chased them. For no result it turned out. Next spot I missed a strike straight away and we then continued around in the opposite direction to which usually go. Next part of this spot nothing and we slowly moved around to the front edge and BAM - stacks of bait flashing and it was on. We missed a lot of strikes but Warwick landed a nice fish and we nearly had a triple hook up on bludgers, landed 2 but.
Next spot the tide was slack and we wasted some time with SP's - turns out i'm the honeycomb cod king of the world. We also discovered what happens when you sit around in one spot long enough waiting for the tide to turn - the wildlife starts to think you a piece of the landscape

We then moved onto our next spot and it looked like zero was happening but we lobbed one out - BAM. What the - missed it and then missed it again, and again

It clued on after that and we had some fun on small GT's on light gear.
Next spot was one we hadn't fished before but it looked prime. I cast and my lure was politely slurped off the surface. I then stated it wasn't too big which was followed by ZZZzzzZzzZzzzzzzz. It turned out to be a nice fish 118cm length and 88cm girth...it was a super fat fish, as they all had been which was good to see.
We then headed home around 630 and it was flat stick the whole way - hmmm 15-20 knot change I don't think so. To top it off the next day was flat as as well- as originally forecast, i'm not sure what the bureau dude was smoking when he issued the forecast on Wednesday lunchtime...we lost a day fishing because of it but hey, at least we still got a few