I think bite times are critical, and the dinner bell is never more evident when I chase kings and snapper.
Tide changes are the most important time from my observations, more evident in kings.
When downrigging, all I do is watch the sounder and see what relationship the bigger fish are having with the bait fish that hangs around structure.
Closer to tide changes the kings get agitated, start moving around pushing the bait around and start hitting live baits, happens all the time.
Snapper are the same, tides changes are critical.
100's of kings and 100's of reds on plastics I have these guys worked out, GT's still not so sure

I reckon if you had a popper that turned 180 degrees mid retrieve and went charging back at a following GT that had shied away the results would be different.
Mr Smug GT that shadowed a potential meal or intruder out of his domain would not be as forgiving second time around if the popper headed back in his direction a few seconds later.