Pardon if the answer seems obvious. It isn't to me.

Quite often the experts forget that the new guys may lack the very basic information
I am new to this and although I have used braid before, I never bothered too much with doubles etc.
When Game fishing generally (I use the IGFA "recognized" line classes) I use wind on leaders which starts with a double.
When spinning from the rocks I always used a double to a swivel then a short wire leader (if needed) to the lure
I have been reading this and any other forum I can wade through looking for what the consensus is for terminal tackle.
I read and I think I understood the various excellent sticky threads on techniques on this forum

So...I have a few questions
The "twisted" leader is used as a shock leader, is this correct?
When using one would you use another leader (is this what bite leader is?) near the popper/lure for a bit of protection from the fish teeth.
Can a "double" be tied in braid using a plat? I have seen people use a "cats paw"

to tie doubles in mono but they are far inferior to a Bimini or a plat.
If so can the double loop then be used to attach to a "wind on" leader?
I would think the resulting join would be as good if not better than the friction knots. (probably need binding etc)
Is it normal to use a shortish single wire leader in front of a popper?
And yes I know I should go on a charter and watch the experts but in the mean time I really am a trial & error man and will do some playing.