PS you'll enjoy Damon's little promo spiel at the end of his report

- he is right though, but please don't tell him I said that!! C.
Damon Report:- We had a long move thismorning to a new southern anchorage. The fishing was not too bad today, but the fish still seem to be biting reluctantly. We landed 4 GTs for the day as well as a couple of goldspot trevally, tealeaf trevally, sweetlip and mackerel. Sami Omari landed his personal best GT of 30kgs, and Chris landed 2 GTs for the day. We hooked around 12 GTs for the day, and had a lot of fish not eat properly, and subsequently pull the hooks. We were back at the mothership at 3pm for an early finish due to weary anglers. All up we had a very enjoyable day and managed some very nice fish. It is worth noting that having each boat catch between 4-12 GTs over the past few days is actually very good fishing, and a few years back we considered 10 GTs for one boat to be a HUGE day. For most anglers, catching 3-4 big GTs and a variety of mackerel, trevally and tuna in a day is an awesome day's fishing, so the guides reports should be taken with a grain of salt when we refer to what is really a great day's fishing as just being OK.
Chris report:- Started the day off by heading south through the blue holes and small lagoons. Did pretty well on the light stuff seeing plenty of mackerel, long toms and reefys. Found a good ledge where the current was hitting nicely. Plenty of fusiliers. Managed to pull a couple of nice GTs out. Est. around the 30kg mark. Lost one that had to be at least 35kg or if not more from what I've seen. Moved my way down south along the edges seeing plenty packs of GTs. Had plenty on but we were unable to keep the hooks in most of them losing around 10 to 15 GTs. As it was now the afternoon the fusiliers became a little scarce but still managed to see the odd one or two.
Tim: I headed south today with the rest of the boats as we moved anchorage and it ended up being a bit of a slow day on the Gts for me. We saw less than I would have liked but we still did hook up a few times and lost the fish unfortunately. We also landed a few and although no big ones were landed today it was a good session. The usual by catch when you Gt fish was ever present - Spaniards, various trevallies, Long Toms and Shark Mackerel. We did a quick drop with the plastics at one stage because the show of bait on the sounder was just phenomenal and got blown away by Spaniards on the light gear. We got back to Odyssey early in the afternoon to have a go at the Gts that were swimming around the back, hoping to catch one on fly but they proved to be a bit reluctant and after a few hopeful looks they decided they were not interested.
Overall once again a good day - aren't they all good when out on the water?
Glanville Report:- his anglers caught 9 GTs for the day with the biggest around 32kgs. Also caught mackerel, tuna and a few trout. Could not write a report tonight due to maintenance on boat.