Last week we had a couple of mad keen Aussies, Andy and Mike join us at Cape Washington. These guys were keen to try most of our sport-fish including a couple of blue marlin, wahoo, yellowfin, dog-tooth and GT;s. The guys caught them all but i will skip that and get straight to the bit you guys will be interested in.
Mikes first GT was around his 3rd cast 5 minutes from our anchorage late in the afternoon, the big fish followed the popper all the way to the boat and launched completely out of the water as he engulfed the popper. Never having fished GT;s before Mike was taken to the gunwales as he struggled to stay on his feet under a fully locked drag as the fish powered 50m back in to the reef break, i thought he was gone for sure but somehow we managed to lead him into the deeper water now Mikes new problem was a cooked drag on the Saltiga that we could not back of, Mike soldiered on for 30minutes under full drag before catching this beauty and releasing it for another day.

Mike and Andy caught GT;s every time they popper fished during this trip as well as a few dog tooth on jigs.