I have trouble with toothy critters here all the time, mostly mackerel and stuff. My start out rig would be 70lb braid to 80 or 100lb Gallis leader to jig, followed by a few snip offs then I move to leader to swivel join to wire to jig. Thats then usually followed by snip offs at the swivel..... Cue me bashing my head on the side of the boat after loosing another hundred buks worth of lures

It was suggested to me to tie straight to wire. So I have tried it and although I have not trialed it I have great confidence in it.
I tie my 70lb braid straight to 30cm of 90lb nylon coated wire with the FG knot. My only problem is how to finish the knot. Any suggestions? Normally with the FG knot to mono I would melt the end of the mono to ensure no slippage, I cant exactly do that with wire. Do I just cut the wire and just leave a short tag? And could that then wear away at the braid?
Hopefully I'll be getting out in the next couple of weeks to test it out.
A pic of my knot,