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Nomad Sportfishing

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  • Bluefin Tuna
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Bugatti Reef Guides Report 26 April 2010
April 27, 2010, 08:07:39 AM
Tim report: The weather was perfect this morning with a slight breeze as we took off for the day. I went to one of my favourite Gt spots first up and although there was bait around, it did not "go off" like it usually does. Having said that we did manage to get 2 into the boat and missed 3 others. Next spot I tried was awesome with bait rippling on almost every bit of structure and with great anticipation we started casting but once again we did not see much for a while - that is until we got a bit further down the reef. We got pack attacked in a blue hole and managed to get 1 in the boat. We got bust off by a 30 plus model shortly afterwards and dropped 2 huge ones in excess of 40kg in a row!!!! Frustrating but awesome to see at the same time.  In another spot we landed another 2 Gts and also had a session on the Gold Spot and Shark Mackerel with the light tackle. A good day on the Gts. Not a lot landed but many seen and missed.

Nick Report: Headed out today with hopes of pulling some GT's from their hiding places. The first couple of blue holes we stopped in looked pretty tasty but alas no fish. So we headed south to a good looking ledge where we managed to get a nice fat fish of 30. We started making our way east and decided I could sneak into one of the blue holes which payed off in the end where we boated another GT of 25. We also had a great day on the light tackle with Rebecca getting spooled on the light gear by a nice GT and getting reefed a number of times by the same scoundrel. Today's bag consisted of sharkies, bludger, gold spot & GT's. Good day out on the water.

Alex report- today was a great change with light winds and no sign of rain, the morning's session was good exploring the shallows and some blue holes for 2 good gts in the 25-30kg category, missing a couple more. The tide was dropping fast and I only just managed to get out of the shallow lagoon, it would have been a long 4 or 5 hours of rock walking and clam spotting tours. Later on in the morning we had a few patches of great fishing but only boated 1 from about 10 but we also caught one big Chinaman of about 10kg and 2 good red bass on the poppers to mix things up a bit. The afternoon's session was cut short when motoring from spot to spot there was a rather loud bang and spent the rest of the afternoon getting towed back to the mothership. There was a brief flurry of action behind the mothership with a few big gts cruising around but no one managed to boat any.

Chris report: The day started off great with good weather ahead. Fished the blue holes today and saw a few packs of GTs in the morning. First cast straight up a nice 25kg GT decided to climb onto the popper unfortunately we lost this fish but the take was unbelievable. Second cast of the day straight after the first one another nice fish popped on around the 30 mark but still couldn't keep those hooks in the fish. Pretty much fished all the blue holes on the out going tide. Seeing a fish here and there but just not being able to boat them. Found a nice ledge where there were schools and schools of bludgers, gold spots, mackerel etc. oh and long tom city. Played with them for a bit before the boys got sick of catching them. Fisdhed another ledge that looked good from the word go. Saw another nice sized GT that decided to play around with us before disappearing into the deep. Fished my way back to the mothership playing with the mackerel, bludgers and rainbow runners.