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Vic Levett

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Yellowtail GT????
May 01, 2010, 09:26:49 AM
A quick question . For years ive seen Trevally , mostly  from the top end (Gove ,Weipa etc )displayed in Mags TV shows and by experienced anglers and they call them GTs . There is very similar to a GTs but the body longer and skinnier . The fins are always yellow but they arnt a Golden as they have GT teeth . Ive never seen them called anything else and they tend to top out at about 10 -15  kg   and found in big schools . Just quietly it annoys me that they are called a GT but to this day no one can tell me what they are
Regards Vic
Ps Ill see if i can find a pic of one

Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 09:32:32 AM by Vic Levett

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 01, 2010, 09:33:39 AM
A quick question . For years ive seen Trevally , mostly  from the top end (Gove ,Weipa etc )displayed in Mags TV shows and by experienced anglers and they call them GTs . There is very similar to a GTs but the body longer and skinnier . The fins are always yellow but they arnt a Golden as they have GT teeth . Ive never seen them called anything else and they tend to top out at about 10 -15  kg   and found in big schools . Just quietly it annoys me that they are called a GT but to this day no one can tell me what they are
Regards Vic
Ps Ill see if i can find a pic of one

I share your frustration!

These are known as Brassy Trevally - growth potential rarely exceeds 10-15kg.

Vic Levett

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 01, 2010, 09:45:17 AM
Thanks Luke , Ill sleep that much better tonight and god help the next time someone tells me theyre  a Gt. LOL   :)

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 01, 2010, 10:04:40 AM
Biggest one I've seen is about ten kgs. Fifteen would be a monster!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Chris Young

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 01, 2010, 01:22:41 PM
Brassy, also known as Papuan trevally, C. Papuensis

Vic Levett

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 01, 2010, 02:56:07 PM
From this day forth they will known as BTs or PTs but never and i repeat NEVER will they be referred to as GTs .

Chris Young

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 01, 2010, 03:13:53 PM
Here's a pic I dragged off another site, note the head is not as steep as found on GT

steve wallin

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 03, 2010, 08:01:43 PM
Ive just got back from a trip to the Kimberley region, we had a similar confusion with the local guides calling GTs that just werent!

From my checking the books closely I think these yellow tailed trevs from northwest WA may be Caranx fulvoguttatus (Turrum).  The above suggestion of Caranx papuensis (Papuan or Brassy Trevally) which we also caught do not display the striking yellow caudal fin of the local turrum.  This may be a NW australia distinction...

Either way the pics in this thread seem to be of different species.  The pic by Vic Levett I would call as a Caranx papuensis but the pic by Chris Young looks a little more like Caranx fulvoguttatus???

Always interesting!!! Both seem to have the same sub 15kg growth potential so not really worth worrying about eh!


Ben Earl

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 04, 2010, 09:39:43 AM
I always thought that Turrum were a larger fish growing to around 40kgs?

steve wallin

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 04, 2010, 11:43:55 AM
"Turrum" and "Trevally" get thrown around pretty generically by the pros.
Older fishos may remember that anything trevally like use to be called Turrum.

In my post above I referred to the Caranx fulvoguttatus as Turrum as both Grants and the WA Fishes guide list
Turrum as a common name, I think the WA Fishes guide also listed Yellow Tail or Yellow Spotted Trevally as a
common names for fulvoguttatus.

Eitherway, the photo in the orig post looks to be Caranx papuensis!


Chris Young

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 04, 2010, 12:43:34 PM
Steve, the two species you mentioned are very similar, as far as I know the only true way to check would be to count lateral line scales and gill rakers, also worth wondering if these two can interbreed :-\

steve wallin

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 04, 2010, 01:45:39 PM
From my reading some of the Caranx can interbreed despite being assigned seperate species.  So it is possible for
further confusion. 

Also very true about caudal spine counts, but the papuensis is reported as having longer caudal section, squarer head
and overall brassy appearance with yellow tipped caudal fins. I believe the fulvoguttatus has the scaleless patch behind the pectoral fin (like ignoblis) not sure of papuensis and my books are at home.  Ive never had great trouble picking a "brassy" (papuensis) on sight.  The "turrum" we caught in Kimberley checked out clearly as fulvoguttatus and the most distinguishing feature was yellow fins .

I have probably taken this way off topic but it peaked my interest because If you look closely at the two pictures posted in the thread they are different species - well to my eyes anyways.
Top one should be a papuensis and bottom one should be fulvoguttatus. 

You should get me started on coral trout!!!!


Jay Burgess

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 05, 2010, 07:26:32 AM

Either way the pics in this thread seem to be of different species.  The pic by Vic Levett I would call as a Caranx papuensis but the pic by Chris Young looks a little more like Caranx fulvoguttatus???

This is a very confusing topic that has been discussed extensively on other forums. I disagree with you though, I'm pretty sure they're both Brassy trevally (chris's pic definitely doesn't look like a gold spot trevally, fulvoguttatus).

Stephen Polzin

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 05, 2010, 12:51:12 PM
I'll go with Brassy for the one mentioned at the start of the thread. 

This is what I call a turrum.  Also called a Gold Spot Trev in these parts.

Cairns Bommie Basher

Nathan Cefai

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Re: Yellowtail GT????
May 05, 2010, 01:48:34 PM
So many Diff Trevs in the world its crazy!! :P