Hi Scott
the reef is usually much better fishing than the islands - but decent catches of 20kg plus spaniards and GTs regularly come in from the islands. maybe greater numbers and consistency at the reef is the best way to put it.
if you fish around the islands it is likely to be because it is too rough to go out to the reef - in which case you will be limited in locations to the lee side. you will still find bait around the islands. so well worth a go. Important - make sure you get a copy of the green zone map to see where you are allowed to fish. available free in tackle shops and tourist info type places. some islands and adjacent water are marine parks (some reefs also).
All the reefs have GT's so no special spots. look for fusilier schools, cast and hang on. Finding the schools is the key for me - keep driving till you find them. Much better off driving for an hour to find schools than casting at nothing for an hour.
Weather will be hot and stifiling if there isn't any air flow - shade is good. The monsoon should have arrived by then, so you might have some days watching rain bucket down. make sure you slip slop slap etc. or you be burnt quick. Unless the monsoon stays over the top of you i would expect you should be able to get out for a few good days fishing. GT's will be around and catchable in Feb. A big issue at that time of year is logs and debris in the water following heavy rain. rough water makes the logs impossible to spot hence i only go out in flatter conditions so i don't hit too many things.
Standard GT methods as seen throughout this site will help you.
if you can lower yourself enough to slum it on the mainland for a few minutes, we should catch up