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  • Guest
August 10, 2010, 11:16:31 PM
Finally, only a few weeks to go until our plans fall into place. Rob, Danny, Paul and crew and myself are heading off for a GT adventure from Townsville to Flinders Reef, then from Flinders to Holmes and back into Cairns over a week.
This is not a scripted charter but an exploratory trip to see what we can raise from the deep.

Lets  just hope the weather holds together and it all works out. I can believe how many lures you accumulate when organising a trip....

Will update with pix on our return....

Feel free to offer any suggestions.....

Vic Levett

  • Guest
August 11, 2010, 07:55:26 PM
Good Luck on the weather side of it .. We went to Cooktown last August and it all blew day and all night , rarely under 30 knots ... Its a bitch of wind up there
Hope u get a window of opportunity to fish
Regards Vic 


  • Guest
August 11, 2010, 08:14:57 PM
Cheers Vic, you can only hold you head high and prey.......may the weather gods be on our side eh?