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Stephen Polzin

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Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 12:59:20 PM
If the Greens get their way? 

A vote for Labor is a vote for the Greens. 

This from the Greens website:

The Australian Greens will:

23.complete the independent ecological assessment of Australia’s commercial fisheries under the provisions of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

24.expand fisheries assessments to all Australian fisheries, including recreational fisheries, and develop and implement a national framework for managing recreational and charter fishing.

25.increase the number of Australia's marine reserves, particularly where these improve the resilience of vulnerable fish populations.

26.strengthen and continue Australia’s proactive stance on illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, including assisting in the development of alternative employment opportunities for impoverished communities now relying on the illegal trade.

27.in cooperation with the states and territories, develop a nationally agreed framework for the assessment and regulation of aquaculture developments based on ecosystems management principles.

28.implement a moratorium on deep-sea bottom trawling in Australian waters and require by-catch reduction in all trawl fisheries.

29.maintain adequate, biologically representative ‘no-take’ areas within each fishery and/or marine bioregion.

30.ban all factory-ship based fishing in Australian pelagic fisheries.

In particular note 24, 25 and 29. 

With an election coming up it's time to take an interest.
Cairns Bommie Basher

Jamie Moir

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 01:05:15 PM
The points you highlight sound great, especially 29 for sports fishing, not like you eat GT anyway.

I'm certainly looking forward to a future with fish in it, years of mismanagement by either of the larger parties, and concessions for commercial interests, haven't really done much for plenty of fish stocks aus-wide.
Last Edit: August 11, 2010, 01:12:41 PM by Jamie Moir

Jay Burgess

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 03:29:13 PM
I'm certainly looking forward to a future with fish in it, years of mismanagement by either of the larger parties, and concessions for commercial interests, haven't really done much for plenty of fish stocks aus-wide.

Agree there, I guess it just depends exactly what measures they put in place.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 03:34:22 PM
This summarises my thoughts very well...

No support for Labor or Greens here.

"The Greens have played their hand and stated that they intend to turn an absolute minimum of 30% of Australian Commonwealth waters into marine parks. This is on top of extensive existing and proposed state-based marine parks. Considering that marine parks are revised every 5-10 years and more or larger Sanctuary Zones are created each revision, then it is feasible that within a short period of time we could be banned from fishing virtually all of our favourite areas if The Greens secure the balance of power in the Australian Senate. 

It is important that anglers are aware that The Australian Labor Party has prostituted itself to The Greens by agreeing to a preference deal with them. As we know The Greens are hell bent on locking Australians out of marine and terrestrial areas and virtually banning the many outdoor pastimes that make us Australian!"

Darren Cook

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Darren Cook

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 04:25:39 PM
I dont seem to be able to upload the map but I'm happy to email to any interested parties.

From what i can see, they are after everywhere that I fish around Byron and a huge chunk of the Coral sea for all you folk that enjoy the Nomad trips.

Peter Agapiou

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 05:36:01 PM
I am having a meeting with our local rep EWEN JONES (lnp) and his media adviser ,i sent them the email i was sent form BLA and AFTA,and they knew very little about it.the loacl and state goverment do not in on it.hey what would happen if they tried to stop poeple playing sport,eg football

Peter Morris

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 06:29:24 PM
Agree WHOLE HEARTEDLY with luke,

The greens are set to have massive economic and way of life impacts for us all.

Voting Labour in this next election will be fatal.


Stephen Polzin

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 10:00:23 PM
The points you highlight sound great, especially 29 for sports fishing, not like you eat GT anyway.

I'm certainly looking forward to a future with fish in it

Yes Jamie the fish will be there.  Unfortunately you wont be.  Or at least you wont be  allowed to sport-fish for them.  Or any other kind of fishing in those areas. 

In the last ten years we've had 30% of the GBR converted to green zones.  A green zone is a no-fishing zone.   The Greens want to vastly increase the amount of no-fishing zones. 

You still a fan?
Last Edit: August 11, 2010, 10:06:01 PM by Stephen Polzin
Cairns Bommie Basher

Jamie Moir

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 11, 2010, 10:37:50 PM
No take doesn't specifically mean no fish.

Its pretty clear that years of neglectful management is inadequate in WA and we have much lower fishing pressure than QLD.

If you guys want to be the first to brag about f**king your fisheries then go right ahead.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 09:14:56 AM
If you guys want to be the first to brag about f**king your fisheries then go right ahead.

Yes, we all plan to do that.

Who are you?

George Trinkler

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 09:54:58 AM
Jamie in NSW no take means exactly that. Fishing is prohibited in Sanctuary Zones, you can even be fined for having fishing equipment on board in a Sanctuary Zone. Sanctuary Zones are fishing closures by an anti fishing government and instead of these closures being based on sciencentific evidence they are based on labour getting green preferences NOTHING ELSE! If it was about conserving fish stocks there would be proper public consultation and scientific evidence to support them.
The image below is of guys being fined at Port Stephens for catching bonito in a bait gathering zone. Bonito, our number one marlin bait are not classed as bait by Marine Parks which proves how stupid the Marine Parks are, my son and i have been cautioned for catching squid (also not considered bait) in the same bait gathering zone which again proves how ridiculous the marine parks are.
A vote for Labour is a vote for the Greens and the end of fishing.

Jim Harnwell from Fishing World is one of many guys putting in a heap of work against Marine Parks


As are Basser Millyard

Keep Australia Fishing

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 10:24:46 AM

Jamie Moir

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 10:45:22 AM
I'm afraid walter is about as credible as the pew group, or abbot on the environment, or women, or economics for that matter.

The marine park creation process abbot says he will interrupt was actually started by the previous liberal govt, something that most people forget to mention. No one has come out and said that they think things are going a-ok with management otherwise. Whilst I'd rather not being locked of marine parks totally, I am getting a little sick of the half-truths from either side.

Lets take this quote; "The only way to avoid the locking up of 30% of Australia's waters to fishing is to vote for the Coalition."

Pretty sure the green say that they're chasing 30% of each marine park as a no-fish regions.

The other two major parties are way too beholden to commercial interests to really do anything about commercial exploitation of fish stocks. Do you guys really object to stopping deep-sea trawling for example?

Jim Isherwood

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 11:06:20 AM
How many times do we have to say it !!!! You cant run a country from behind the kitchen sink Julia.

And Bob Brown havent you got another dam or paper mill to stop !!!

For the love of god isnt it about time these secret little agendas are brought into full light and questioned before an election , after all we will get is ** we have a mandate ** to go ahead with this legislation.

Leave it alone you fools, our charter operators and fellow anglers are some of the most responsible and enviromentely aware voters around .... piss  us off at your own peril !!!