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Graham Scott

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 11:59:42 AM
As a recreational fisherman and a charter operator, I suppoort sensible Marine Park Managment, provided it is a multi use Park.
In CQ I am quite happy with the outcome of the rezoning of our area of the GBR as it has locked away populations of important reef species including Nannygai and GTs.... fish were running out of places to hide, however I was one of few recs strongly supporting sensible closures.

I have talked to both Sen Ron Boswell and Sen Ian Macfarlane ( a former Fisheries Minister) in the last 2 weeks and I do like their approach. They are not against sensible management, but are keen on proper engagement with stakeholders and recognition of the importance of fishing in general to smaller communities.
Greens are looking for votes from the urban professionals to make them feel good.

For my 2 bobs worth Walter Starck reminds me of some of the doctors in the 70's who still believed smoking didn't cause cancer. Actually I think he is probably OK but gets a lot of attention because he is virtually a lone voice. Always need a range of points of view on any issue.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 03:41:11 PM
As a recreational fisherman and a charter operator, I suppoort sensible Marine Park Managment, provided it is a multi use Park.
In CQ I am quite happy with the outcome of the rezoning of our area of the GBR as it has locked away populations of important reef species including Nannygai and GTs.... fish were running out of places to hide, however I was one of few recs strongly supporting sensible closures.

I have talked to both Sen Ron Boswell and Sen Ian Macfarlane ( a former Fisheries Minister) in the last 2 weeks and I do like their approach. They are not against sensible management, but are keen on proper engagement with stakeholders and recognition of the importance of fishing in general to smaller communities.
Greens are looking for votes from the urban professionals to make them feel good.

For my 2 bobs worth Walter Starck reminds me of some of the doctors in the 70's who still believed smoking didn't cause cancer. Actually I think he is probably OK but gets a lot of attention because he is virtually a lone voice. Always need a range of points of view on any issue.

I don't think there would be one soul here against multi-use parks, enabling catch and release practices supplmented with sensible fisheries management.

I have no faith whatsoever that the Greens will give cooperation from anglers in such form of responsible fishing practices even as much as a sniff.

Darren Cook

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 04:56:06 PM
Some more movement on the topic.


Janelle O'Connell

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 06:22:12 PM
Who to vote for in this election is a very tough call.  Was just listening to the news and they said that unlike past elections this one doesn't have one major issue that is a deal breaker between each party - eg GST or Workchoices.  Instead they said it appears most people will be voting on how one particular issue that they are individually interested in is handled by a particular party.  In my case Fishing is that issue.  (yes I know health, national broadband network, schooling etc are important but I find it hard to separate the parties greatly on many of those topics).

Reality is in my electorate fishing can be the deciding factor as to who hold the seat.  Last election our seat was won by 63 votes after preferences.  I can name about 100 people that I know who normally vote Labor who voted Liberal in that election because of fishing.
Primary Votes
LIB 37,886
ALP 36,207
Green  4475

After Preferences
LIB  41,073
ALP 41,009

The Liberal candidate in our area actively campaigns on fishing issues.  He funds fishing public meetings etc.  He was very active also at the state level when the green zones were being introduced here.  Obviously not only is my way of life (taking my kids fishing etc) at risk but so is my direct livelihood and that of the guys we employ, their families etc.  Fishing does have a big economic input in our region and without it not only are we affected but so is every business that I then in turn spend my income with.

All I can say is think about what is really important to you and vote accordingly.  I am sure those in the mining and fishing industries will tell you that any deal that labour did to sure up the green preferences will come back to bite us.

I am not against green zones but do object to them being implemented without proper consultation or with the decision already made before the consultation phase starts.

A big reason that green zones are so popular to pollies is they don't have to do the science, pay for research etc.  Locking down an area is the cheap option - and if this post wasn't already ridiculously long I would explain how I know this from first hand experienc.e
Maybe later tonight when kidlings go to sleep

Peter Morris

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 06:45:53 PM
Nice post Janelle and well written.

For me this election is very easy to vote on.

This current labour Government has had its chance to proove itself and they have failed terribly on sooo many issues.

You still hear the comment that they saved us from the GFC however Julia has even admitted herself last night on Q & A that they were lucky to come into power with a huge surplus from the John Howard days.
Sure they provided us all with stimulus....but the waste was unforgivable and now we are faced with huuuge debt.
The back door deals with the Greens is another issue and it just makes me wild..!!!!
To have people like Peter Garrett influencing decisions in this magic country of ours is just sickening..!!
I have written many on-line submissions to his office for not one single repsonse... >:(
To sit here are write letters headed ' The honourable Mr Peter Garrett' is just soooo laughable its not funny.
Peter Garrett didnt even used to vote..!!!.....Crazy stuff..!!

I hope the outcome is a good one.


Darren Cook

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 07:32:55 PM
We need to stand loud & proud together, for fishing on the Tweed Coast with signs and loud voices to show all that make the decisions that we want our livelihood & lives kept strong for our futures.
When: Saturday 14th August    Time: 9.00
Where: Jack Evans Boat Harbor off bay St Twd Hds.
Tweed Coast Amateur Fishing Clubs association Po Box 131 Pottsville  2489
 0266 770277 [email protected]

Dave Kreutz

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 08:05:55 PM
Hi all
Been a member for a short while but just enjoy sitting back dreaming of where you’re fishing and planning of how I can go there so this is my first post.
Suffice to say I've been a keen Rec fisher as long as I've also been a Commercial fisher. There is a balance for both and I applaud all efforts to sustain fisheries.
 Here is a map of the 30% closures AUS wide: sorry but my two left hands have made the map small.
 Note the grey zones.

Greens want Coral Sea fishing, mining ban
By Dea Clark
Updated 1 hour 38 minutes ago
Mr Brown says Australia cannot afford not to protect the Coral Sea. (User submitted: Naomi Brookfield, file photo)
•   Map: Brisbane 4000
The Australian Greens Party wants to ban all commercial fishing and mining exploration in the Coral Sea off the Queensland coast.
Under the proposal the existing Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) would be extended to manage the additional million square kilometres of ocean.
Recreational fishing would be allowed in the western region of the proposed Marine Park, north of Cairns.
Green's Leader Bob Brown says Australia cannot afford not to protect the Coral Sea.
"The cost of not having a marine reserve into the future could be the loss of large areas of the Barrier Reef - if there was, for example, an oil spill of the sort we've seen in Montara off the west coast of Australia and in the Gulf of Mexico in recent times," he said.

Note this statement

Recreational fishing would be allowed in the western region of the proposed Marine Park, north of Cairns.

Andrew Poulos

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 12, 2010, 08:29:27 PM
Im screwed no matter what....
Labour/Greens - my hobby will be diminished as a result of marine reserves. Its hard enough now to find quiet spots but once the rest become marine reserves in my locality it will be shite.
Liberals - lose funding for our project and my job goes up the creek....

So who do I vote for ? Looks like I will be looking for a new job....

Stephen Polzin

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 13, 2010, 07:29:53 PM
Praying it doesn't come to this....
Cairns Bommie Basher

Peter Morris

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 13, 2010, 07:35:47 PM
Funny you put that up Steve...

I have really been wondering what the Nomad boys think about all this..?

I know Damon Said to me he wasnt really concerned about the recent push by PEW for the Coral Sea closure as it was just rediculous and his thoughts were it would never go ahead......and he was right.

BUT.....Here we are again facing this $hit AGAIN....only about 1 month later..... >:( >:(


Andrew Colefax

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 13, 2010, 10:41:36 PM
its a hard one all right. labour did the right thing and saved the mighty wenlock from the mining companies. pretty sure if the libs get in that decision will be overturned. damned if you do, damned if you don't....

Theo Poulos

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 14, 2010, 12:01:24 PM
For those of us that still believe in the tooth ferry and that politicians don't lie need to wake up, pull their heads out of the sand and swallow a go dose of reality. If they still believe the greens will permit fishers/hunters to legally participate in their chosen sports, be it any form of fishing and or hunting need to get themselves actively involved in a proactive sporting association and find out what really goes on with politicians and how you will actively negotiate for months with them to gain access rites into areas that were closed without any form of scientific/impact studies having been carried out and they will listen, they will then agree with the requests and a gentlemans agreement will be struck, meaning they'll shake your hand in agreement in front of witnesses and inform their staffers to formally write up the agreement for them to sign in the morning, at which point everyone happy all the hard work and lobbying has paid off, right, WRONG next morning it gets thrown out. That my friends is how our politicians conduct business and behind all their smiles lies nothings other than their own agenda and self preservation. One thing that the greens have not made public, which lies deep in their mandate is the blanket banning of all blood sports and if you think that we will be okay because most of us catch and release most fish, in particularly GT's, have got it all wrong. According to them to catch fish to eat is only acceptable if there is nothing else around you IE for survival, however to derive pleasure from catching a fish only to release is despicable, thus they will only stop when all forms of fishing, hunting and four wheel driving has been banned. "Fear not gentlemen for poaching is a noble sport" which run true in sixteeth century England which we may laugh about now but we are in grave danger of returning into the dark ages.

Darren Cook

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 17, 2010, 08:21:55 AM

Peter Morris

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 17, 2010, 10:30:08 AM
Unfortunately this isnt the first time Labour has let the Recreational fishing sector down really really badly.

There was a recent meeting organised in Canberra with the minister of fisheries and Peter Garrett.
Members of various fishing groups and organisations made the effort to fly to Canberra for the meeting.........and guess what happened........The minister of fisheries and Garrett pulled the pin at the last minute and were a NO SHOW....!!!

All it demonstrates is the lack of interest for the recreational sector and a real 'dont care' attitude......

Hopefully the tide is turning a little.


Robert Palcak

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Re: Where are we going to fish?
August 17, 2010, 11:51:11 AM
"The Greens have played their hand and stated that they intend to turn an absolute minimum of 30% of Australian Commonwealth waters into marine parks. This is on top of extensive existing and proposed state-based marine parks. Considering that marine parks are revised every 5-10 years and more or larger Sanctuary Zones are created each revision, then it is feasible that within a short period of time we could be banned from fishing virtually all of our favourite areas if The Greens secure the balance of power in the Australian Senate. 
Fact - there has never been a single scientific study to prove that Marine Parks have done a single thing for fish populations in Australian waters... The feel-good idea of "Marine Parks" has only ever  been used as a cunning tool by the Greens to stop us fishos doing what we're so passionate about.

If the Greens get their way, there would be a blanket ban on all blood sports period.
I cant understand how any fisherman could ever think the Greens are our friend???
They hate us and want us gone.

For that matter, I dont even think Green voters have a bloody clue what the Greens actually stand for.
Let's have a look at just one example of what these ass clowns want to do for us...
Death Duties??... So we get the privledge of paying them all our working lives then we get to pay the scum bags when we die... Awesome!

I know who I'll be voting for.
