Got my first custom built rod recently. It's a Samurai NV8 blank rated 8-10 kilos and 7 foot long. It's perfectly suited to 30lb braid which is what I got it for. It's mated up to a Shimano Stella 5000 SW with 30lb Whiplash.
I wanted a good spinning set up for chasing Tuna along with the other types of fishing I do. I just couldn't find a factory rod that suited what I wanted. This one is 100% Carbon.
Anyway first trip out and we were on the way to our fishing grounds when we came across a school of Nortern Bluefin Tuna. My brother allowed me 3 casts and I managed 2 Blueys, one on the first cast! To say I was stoked was an understatement! What a way to christen the new rod, getting the very target fish I got it built for.
Another km out we hit a school of Mackerel Tuan so I was allowed 3 more casts and got 2 Mack Tuna for my efforts. Lucky my brotehr was teh skipper as I would have spent all day catching Tuna, and loving it.
I landed a 10 kilo plus Barracuda and even risked bottom bashing later on and nabbed a beautiful Coral Trout.
I'm so impressed I've ordered the NV9 model for 50lb braid. I'll mate it up to a Shimano Twinpower 10000 FC. Looking forward to christening this one!
By the way I really like the Alps VX guides I got for this. The frame is marine grade (SS316) Stainless and the ring is Titanium Nitride coated Zirconia. It's harder than Alconite so it's not just for looks.
Enjoy the pics, a pity the camera was on Black and White for the first few lol!