Mick, it is hardly gracious to congratulate someone on one hand and then tell them that you outdo them on the next sentence!!
Still, perhaps you might convince Peter to take you out so you can show him how it is done.
Well done ..
i know the feeling but it,s great fun on light gear
cos i fish with 4LB
maybe i should head up there one day to fish
Brandon ,
i am not trying to outdo him . as i,m just saying i know the feeling how hard they fight on light gear .
I was hunting the Dog Bream (mangrove jack) been hunting them for a while .
that is why i end up with a big eye trevelly and silver trevelly
i believe the 4lb and 6lb might be different depending on the diameter as i notice all the brand braid has different diameter to each other
for eg. 4lb diameter 0.12 , 6lb diameter at 0.104 that is big different to each other .
i hope you understand that .
I do want to meet peter one day .
Mick .