cheers again
dam ur brother is ok though.he better buy u brand new reel i hope so....

.Same as me i borrow one of my bream stick and shimano reel to my mate .the dude put the big bait and chuck in the water with drag tide on thing he looked at it and the reel and the rod is gone.ediot ...i was pissed off i paid over 700$ took me 6 month to replace this time i learn my lesson and so r u ........

I wanted to get the mcwork’s rod because I have seen and used once in Japan when my x-gf brother he used The rod is super light and incredibly strong. he is mad rock game angler. This guy really knows his stuff. Trouble is now after I broke up with my x-gf relation is……… u known?

Any how got new girl and she is from Japan and currently in Japan so she can probably buy me the rod from there and bring it down here… of course I gota pay and convince her ….u know women they will get heart attack when u spend that much money on piece of stick….lol…
any how the raging bull series i was thinking of to comb with my saltiga 4500. chucking metal slugs and light popping and stick baits. Saw these guys used in japan about the same size reel.may be 30lb to 40lb.Try to fill about 400m. i hope it be enough for small tuna,makeral,rat king and small gt.
With my emblem pro.i will get saltiga gtn 86 or something simlar.
and last get probably stella or dogfight for bigger game with suitable rod as u suggested earlier or same copy combo as u.
dam that will break my bank .but gno choice hay...

i have become tackle junkie or what....hope that i can pull good fish too rather than just showing off with flashy tackle.
what yah think?