I will start my first post by saying Hi! I'm from Norway, and writing this in 15*below zero. Or atleast outside it is... I plan an Andaman trip in February and have just started tackling up for that. I'm mainly a fly fisherman, but after getting a few GT's in Bali and Kingfish in NZ when I lived there I figured I'd have a go at popping as the takes is just awesome. I have bought a Kaibutsu pencil thingy, and a stella 10000 is on the way. Anyway...
I'm looking at buying a decent rod, and I have been looking at Komodo dragon, and Tokara. I am allso interested in Carpenters and maybe riple fisher. There might be newer lighter rods out there doing the same job? In that matter I was wondering if we have any operators on the board that see many of these rods each year and could tell me honestly which make has the least breakages. If you want to send a PM if you are uncomfortable saying it in public that would be great.
I would allso know what the different companies is doing regarding warranties. Does any of them offer lifetime warranties like the high end flyrod companies do? Or is it more like, if you break it by a new one?
A lot of questions there Alex.
First, welcome to the addictive and expensive world of buying GT popping gear

As you have ordered a Kaibutsu PI and a Stella 10000 I guess you are looking at fishing PE6 and not heavier for now? Both the Tokara and the Komodo Dragon are heavier rods suited to PE8-10 fishing and a bigger reel such the Stella 18000 or Saltiga Dogfight. Nothing wrong with either of those Smiths - I own a Komodo Dragon and used to have a Tokara as well. I would certainly plump for the former given a chocie. It is a relatively short rod though and does not cast especially well.
Like quite a few folks here, Carpenter and Ripple Fisher are my two brands of choice. If you are looking at a first popping rod in the medium/heavy PE8 category then the Carpenter DJMH83 and Ripple Fisher GT79R would both be great choices.
I don't have much to say on breakages except that with the top Japanese brands the vast majority of rod breakages will be due to operator error rather than a dodgy product.
I do not know of any lifetime warranties in the popping rod world. GT fishing is so extreme, I can't imagine any manufacturer would do this. Others may know differently.
As an aside I see you caught some fish in Bali - great to hear. I live in Bali and would be interested to know when and who you fished with? Just personal curiosity
