You were a fortunate man to get to that auction. I wasn't too young but I certainly was too cash poor to end up at an event like that. I knew the amount of gear that was to be auctioned though I had no dough to be a part of it.
To come away with a Ron Poole custom stick made for Mal is a priceless Aussie sportfishing afictionardos anyway. Take care of it! I am envious!
The passing of Mal Florence showed me how I needed to quench my "tackle slut/tart/junkie/fiend" obsession. Mal's collection for the 1980's was HUGE. I had an aim in life and so did many of my friends......improve on the size of the collection! Sadly, I am an amateur compared to many mates who have taken the junkie moniker to dizzy heights!
Actually, it was this obsession that allowed me to fish and film with the small operation (at that time) called Nomad Sportfishing........those who had plenty of poppers and jigs got to test them against brutally large animals and our learning curve was almost vertical if plotted on a graph. It was an immense time.
We broke a LOT of stuff during the learning. We also got to land some special fish too.
If I had not seen some of these films from Mal or even a movie done by Dave Donald showing Queenfish and GT's smashing poppers I would never have believed such animals were alive and more so, could be targeted this way!
The shot of a hooter sized GT coming in slow motion during Mal's Bathurst Bay movie got me by the short n curlies..........I was hooked on the larger top water stuff from that film onwards!
I have never had much cash since that film...........I wonder why!
The vision I have seen of the Seychelles is jab-in-the-arm full on heart pounding stuff.
I should stipulate that......the VISION.....if these things ate flesh baits in 400m of drink, we would be bored!
Instead, they race around in stuff-all water, beat up anything they can and destroy tackle willingly.
Who's heart doesn't get to a sprint-pounding rate when you see a pod of black backs charging the imitation offering you have presented??
The sight of it.
The sound of it.
Holding onto these marvelous animals if and when conquered is ultra cool.
I have filmed this shallow water craziness out in the Coral Sea though I have got to somehow get to those Islands to do it on would be hard to top I reckon.
Big GT's on the flats........hell yeah!
As for the $per kg question............I don't want the missus to find out!
