Nathan - need a bit more information along the lines of what Randy has covered. Are you going with twisties or single strand, what type of terrain are you fishing, depth etc. I assume if you're talking 150 - 200g poppers that you're looking for fish up to any size.
There is a big difference to if you're fishing in shallow water with a coral encrusted bottom to clear sandy bottom. For a sandy bottom, you could go as low as 100lb - 120lb single strand PROVIDED you had a heavy bite leaded tied or crimped on. If this is what you face, then you better tell me where this is as I want to fish there!
150lb is not too heavy any way you look at it. In fact, for single strand in shallow, rocky bottom, you're dead. If it is a twistie, it should be fine. My heaviest twisties are now 170lb. Obviously, these are made for really nasty areas!