I'm loooking for a 4 braid PE line around 30lb ; a friend of me has given me an unknow spool of a wonderful white braid ; it has a coating very very efficient ( in time and abrasion ) which give the feeling of a " hard and very smooth " braid which allow fishing in new spots because this 30lb approximately can cast like a 20lb and can resist to the rocks when another break ; since 20 years I've never seen that .
I've tried the Toray Seabass but it is not the same , Toray is too soft ( good for arena but not for hard rock fishing needed long cast too ) ; the same with sunline Deep One 30Lb or Avani MaxPower 20lb ( a few elastic ) ; here is pictures which show the diference , unknown braid to the left and the Toray on the right :

It seems each strand have a coating which keeps the micro fiber very compact .
Here is result of few abrasion break tests :
unknown braid ( the one to the left )
Toray 25lb ( the one to the right )
1:02:71 the half less ...
VARIVAS Max Power 20lb
UNITIKA saltwater 16lb
UNITIKA saltwater 20lb
I'm not a GT fisher but the condition from coast where I fish are very very extrem , a little like GT ; few year ago my 50lb fluoro was cut by fish which are never higher than 15lb but the rocks and strong swell are very hard to fish ...
Thanks by advance,