Hi guys
Forum newbie here.
Rob Ciotucha (one of your already confirmed fisho's for this trip) has pointed me in the direction of this trip, and i gotta say, it looks and sounds oh so inviting. Just waiting for a few more planets and stars to align, and i'm in. I run my own business here in Perth, so i can't just up and leave without making sure the boys will be ok in my absence. I'll find out tomorrow if i can get a relief manager or mechanic to cover for my fat, fisho ass, and i'll be there.
(Just quietly, i'm gettin bloody excited at the prospect of this trip. Although i've fished extensively over here, i've never undertaken an adventure such as this..... Since i spoke to Rob C yesterday, i've basically lived on the Nomad website....

, jeeeeez it looks fun. So, if i can get things in place in my workshop, i'll be the 'gt poppin' newbie for ya all to poke fun at.....

Anyhoo, i'll let ya's know tomorrow if the gods are smilin on me.
Dan Baxter
p.s. is there 2 spots still available? If so, i
may have another interested party, again, i'll know about him in the next day or so