Go the Bling!!!
I scale tested the reel drag via a 20kg Samson Spring scale before heading out that morning in a straight pull and not at a quick pace, come to think of it.
Over the rod, when the fish was lunging in it's final stages it was probably 18-20kg over the rod tip.
When I hooked up, I kept the rod under my left armpit and swung to the right to make sure that there was no slack.
When the GT took off, I still kept it there though pointed the rod slightly skyward to make sure of no slack and to make the fish work hard for the line....I could only surmise that there was 20+kg of drag over the rod.
I have fished enough popping & 37kg stand up gear for blue marlin to know how high I can go.
A Precision Marlin Master 37kg bent butt lifts my heels at around 22kg and I could feel it start on a couple of the power dives....thankfully the coaming stopped me from going in the drink!
No formula when fishing 130 out the max you can hold on to and leave it there.
It isn't like scale testing an 8kg stroker for Bills where I fish 2.6kg OVER THE TIP at strike drag while pulling at a reasonable pace.
It's "stop at all costs" setting on those big animals...
I used to feel chuffed when a 20kg GT couldn't take drag....young Olsen stops 30KG fish without a click from the drag setting he uses now....40's and over still pull line.
