You get what you pay for is an old saying here in the uk. i have the PENN slammer reels in the largest model and they performed well in the florida keys on some decent bull sharks. I know a chap who has worked with Penn for over 30+ years and he was an engineer too and what he dont know about reels probably aint worth knowing. I know the penn reels that I have used only go to about10kgs drag and were from the u.s and they reckon that the reel yr talking about goes to about 20kgs drag max. if you email him he will give you the low down.
there TRQ multipiliers are the NUTS though!
You can get him on pennservicing@hotmai?l.co.uk
He is as honest as the day is long, and will let you know what you need to know.

if its cheaper by a way there's a reason.........