it is a bad idea to go fishing for huge tuna with a spinning reel unless you like chasing the fish a long way and even then, you better hope it doesn't sound.
To me, a lot of those fly reels that sell for ridiculous amounts are sold at those prices for the sake of consumers who simply like spending a lot of money for no reason. I have to say though, I was thinking the exact same thing as Andrew. those carp sure must go hard! Why do people in the UK like catching carp so much? Have they ever thought of coming downunder where they are in plague proportions and are regarded not just as a pest but a noxious fish? We could start up a charter down here and call it "Carping Downunder"

I was watching a fishing program on Foxtel where they were fishing for carp. The guy had a carp take his bait and was sluggishly swimming off (you could hear the drag going tic, tic, tic) and the commentator was saying "oh, they go so hard - they're such a powerful fish". I wasn't sure whether the program was a comedy!
I really wished that there was a way where I could have swapped that carp for a GT of equivalent size on his line! I think that would have woken him up.
btw - post this on a English carp fishing website and they will really think Australians are mad - Brandon
There's nothing in this country that you'd need a 20000 Stella for except maybe porbeagle sharks but as far as I know they're rarely caught these days. We used to get giant bluefin tuna off our coast about 50 years ago. Sadly they're all gone now due to the herring being fished out in the North Sea. Still get some on long distance boats out of Irish ports but I think even a 20000 would struggle with one of these???!
People who buy stellas an the big sizes are basically people who travel who haven't done any research on pricing! $1400 for a reel? Is it made of platinum??!
Actually Hardy have just released a Titanium version of their Zane fly reel that goes for $10,000, BECAUSE YOU NEED A TITANIUM REEL.