Hey guys, just wanted to hear your thoughts on what would be the best way to condition for monster class fishing....from my expereince with fighting big fish...it seems the two most used and fatigued areas are the forearms and the lower back...
Just wondiering if anyone actually "trains" in the offseason or in the months leading up to a trip, and if so, what makes up your routine?
I have had a few ideas, basically consisting of high intensity cardio, and higher reps for muscle endurance and concentrate on back/forearms, such as deadlifts etc. I've also thought about hooking a broom stick up to the weight stack pulley at home and putting the broom in a fighting belt and lift..
Ive also considered strapping a rod or broom up to some weights, hold the stick out, and run up and down some rocks/stairs, to work on balance and footwork. This would be especially benifical for landbased anglers who would need to simulate hopping up and down the rocks while under a loaded rod.
Just want to see if any guys can suggest some exercices to add to the routine.