That interesting Jay I was disappointed not to get out to the islands but maybe it was a good thing we fished South.
Cheers Jas
With the islands now much more accessible due to the better ramp at Bundegi (we used to have to trek it from the Marina) the islands will be even more flogged.
You could easily cover most if not all of the spots of North and South Murion in a day or at the very most two. There are some long stretches of sand that are not so productive for GTs, while the few known spots concentrate alot of pressure from anglers.
As Jay said, if one compare this to a few hundred km's of fringing reef with points and channels running from Exmouth all the way down to Coral Bay, one get's a sense of the gap of what's on offer...
On a (much) longer ride out, you can probably do a loop popping around Peak Island in under 30 minutes. Both Peak and Long island east of that are relatively flat and sandy. Heading further east of Peak Island only brings you to more flat sandy outcrops save Rosily Cay (another tiny speck of rock in the middle of nowhere) and that itself is a very long run. The next stop for a pop would be Barrow Island. This place is actually very good - but that is an epic run out from anywhere along the coast - Exmouth or Onslow.
In other words, take it from someone who has done the hard yards - you didn't miss out on anything and fishing south was a good call. If you think the southern spots you were fishing gets some pressure, it just means you weren't fishing south enough at all!