Hey Sam,
A company here in SOuth Africa makes pretty tough as nails lure bags, which come in 16 and 32 compartment versions, basically a zip up bag, which opens out and has a page in the middle with compartments on both sides... fits everything up to a Fullscale Sidewinder or Long Kong, and the compartments are big enough that one can usually fit at least two lures in each compartment, and sometimes 3, depending on lure size ( I get 3 Runbohs to a compartment )
They are relatrively cheap, especially by Japanese version standards, and tough as nails.... I've got two, one for STicks, one for poppers that go on trips with me, and then I just put a mix and match in one bag for each days fishing on the boat....
They are easy to clean, cheap, waterproof to a degree and as I've said above, tough as nails!
Only drawback is that the compartments don't have drain holes for rinsing, so what I did was punch a couple holes into each compartment so they can be sprayed down... I like to have one thats completely sealed and one I use for on the boat that can be washed down easily and effectively...
I'll shoot some pics tonight and post them up.... if guys are intersted I could probably organise to ship a bunch over to Oz...