I think Brandon is correct on this one. This is not the place to debate the right, or wrong of spearfishing. I do think though that we need to really think before we criticize people for killing these fish. In the parts of the world I have lived in most of my life they are a prized catch for the table. Tongans stand is disbelief when I tell them I caught a 25kg GT and threw it back in the sea. I think that the people that should be criticized are the ones that kill for the sport only, catch more than they need, catch them to sell, or over fish a location beyond the point that can sustain a healthy population. I will admit at the great risk of ridicule that I have eaten many Ulua and Papio during my 33 years in Hawaii. With that said, I do believe that the current popularity of this sport is greatly increasing the knowledge that GTs can be wiped out from areas of the reef quite easily. I have wholly adopted the 100% catch and release for all GTs that I catch and are caught by clients on my charters. That does not mean that Jobbies, Trout and other wonderful table fare and not put in the chilly bin now and again. So, if you are not a real veggie, then as an old Hawaiian friend of my used to say........."Take it Easy."