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Sami Ghandour

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 19, 2011, 07:00:38 AM
I had the chance the see the BLC83/40 in action in one of the trip in North Carolina with Mogi-san,
to say the least i was fascinated by the power and performance of the rod, the following is a picture of Jun-san tangle up with a monster in Oregon Inlet, the pictures tells a thousands words ;)

Andre van Wyk

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 23, 2011, 01:34:10 AM
Hi Tak, Brandon, Sami,

Quick question for you guys.... sorry if this has been asked before and I missed it...

On another forum a poster asked about the ratings on the newer range of Carpenters like the BLC series which have the designation 84/22 and 80/35 etc...

Now of course we understand the first number indicates length, and the second number the rods "Power" index/rating if I have it correctly...

A responding poster suggested that the second number/figure relates to the rods "Max Drag" setting at 45 degrees... i.e. - an 84/22 would have a max drag setting of 22lbs and the 80/35 a max setting of 35lbs....
Can you clarify this for me? Sounds like a brilliant way of rating the rods, but it doesn't seem to ring true with the supplied rod specs....

If anyone can give an explanation as to why the numbers for power rating are what they are, or if they can confirm its just the way Konishi-San does it, that would be great.

Thanks guys
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Brandon Khoo

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 23, 2011, 06:44:12 AM
Hi Andre
Not a bad idea but what has been suggested is not correct.
I will leave it up to Tak to explain the numeric rating of the Carpenter rods.
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Rory McPherson

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 23, 2011, 01:12:27 PM
 to quote Tak - 

"Drag rating on BLC rods are different from other GT rods and maximum drag 20kg on BLC83/40R-PM is when rod is at 0 degree angle (pararel to ground). As you have mentioned, berry and tip section of this rod is soft and rod is not meant to fight on 20kg drag at 45 degree angle which many people would think about drag rating.

We know this rating method on BLC still confuse some people and we will try to explain this in better way if you could give us some time."


 What I understand, and it sounds from what Brandon is saying I've got this wrong ,  is that the BLC rods have their drag ratings at 0 degree angle and that the  second number on the rod relates closely to that ie 83/40 , I pressumed when Tak said other GT rods he was still reffering to Carpenter and that, say , the EP 85/36 which has a max drag on the rod of 10kg was the max drag at 45 degrees and that at 0 degrees this rods drag would probably be 18kg .
One of the reasons I got rid of my EP was because of this low max drag when compared to the BLCs but if this 0 and 45 degree difference between kingfish and GT rods is right I'd have probably hung onto it.
 As it is I've just purchased a BLC 80/35 to drag kingfish out of those tight spots but have fished my 84/18 at 10 kg of drag !
My question would now be at what angle is the drag on the EP actually measured at, if it is different to how the BLCs are measured ?
Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 01:20:43 PM by Rory McPherson

George Relf

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 23, 2011, 06:11:16 PM
Hi Tak/All

Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm assuming that all the max drag ratings on carpenter rods are at the 0 degrees angle?

Is there an actual formula (mathematical or such) to work out the 45 degree angle max drag/drag rating OR has each carpenter rod got its own?

Thanks  :)

Mark Harris

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 23, 2011, 06:29:03 PM
That can't be right George.

For example the Carpenter stated max drag on a MH80H is 13 kg and on a BLC83/40R-PM it is 20 kg. The latter is at a 0 degree angle as Tak stated. The former must be at 45 degrees or similar.

Jon Li

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 23, 2011, 07:04:10 PM
When Konishi-san visited us for the Jigging n Popping Seminar in JKT , I asked him specifically the concept of BLC blanks and he relates with youtube video on why BLC blanks are made to withstand high drag setting :  YTK when hooked will try to run into the rock / coral but the most critical time is when the fish keep the fight till the side of the boat , it will dive suddenly and if given to take line out , will for sure head into the coral / rock and cut the line off so the angler must resort to " no line out " drag setting to subdue the YTK , this sudden dive which create peaking of drag must be absorbed by the rod and hence the design of BLC blanks is made quite different than most GT rods in the market .

Unlike GT fishing when the most critical period is during the first surge of GT just as it takes the line and run toward the coral , hence GT rod is designed with drag maximum at 45 degree . Once GT has come to circle under the boat , it's a matter of floating the fish to the surface .

Hope this help .

Jon .

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Greg Burt

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 23, 2011, 10:00:30 PM
 That cleared up a lot questions, thanks Dre for bringing it up, I'm sure you'll condense the answer a bit for Falco and friends  :)
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Wan Izhan

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 24, 2011, 12:18:06 AM
honestly, all this while i thought the number after '/" is the poundage of the graphite roll / mandrell tension or force or strength during the making of the blank. :-\

curiously = did konishi-san read this forum? he has the ultimate answers.... ;D ;D


Tak Otsuka

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 25, 2011, 10:40:44 AM
Sorry guys - I'm so behind as I was off line for a few days.

Andre - the second number of model name is the strength or power of butt section. It generally indicates how powerfull each rod is but same as max drag rating, this is more comfort fishing rating rather than actual breaking strength.

Rory - Only BLC's max drag is rated in different way from all other series and max drag on other models are at around 45 -50 degree. Carpenter did this not for confusing anglers and as Jon mentioned this is because BLC blanks has been designed on different concept. As I mentioned, I'll try to explain to make this clear as soon as I get some time to do this.

Jon - I heard there are some other aged veteran anglers in Japan who use BLC for GT fishing for the same reason. :)

Rory McPherson

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 25, 2011, 12:30:50 PM
Many thanks Tak

Brandon Khoo

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 25, 2011, 01:25:26 PM
Tak is referring to "veterans" - i.e. - light drag settings

I feel the need to reemphasise that the BLC is not a GT rod. You can land any fish on any rod if you have luck on your side and you fish the equipment properly but if you are going to buy a BLC 84/22 or 80/35, load it up solid on PE6 or PE8 respectively with a GT drag rating, then you are taking a chance of making a two piece BLC into a three piece rod.
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Tak Otsuka

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 25, 2011, 02:15:19 PM
Tak is referring to "veterans" - i.e. - light drag settings

You are correct Brandon.

Jon Li

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 25, 2011, 02:23:42 PM
Guys ,

I was intrigued with BLC concept so I had to try it , check here : IMGA0032.MP4 , I conclude BLC not an ideal rod for GT fishing but can still be used , one just have to try the softly softly approach .

Jon .
It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble , it's what you know for sure that ain't so . Mark Twain .

Christoffer Hansen

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Re: Carpenter product questions!
November 25, 2011, 03:51:37 PM
       That's the first time I've seen the words softly softly and gt used in the same sentence. Is that a google translate error ;D