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Shaun Raymond

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Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 02, 2011, 11:26:31 PM
Hey guys i was lucky enough to do a trip to sri lanka recently to watch the finals of the world cup cricket competition and i took a bag of poppers and a set up just incase, i managed to find an operator down south after much research who had a rather big old boat with maximum speed of six knots and said he could take me to gt, in singalese, the native languagenthese fish are called pardow.

We hooked a few gt on the poppers fishing around a rock bommie about 5km off the coast, they averaged eight kg and we got a few bigger ones with the biggest weighing around seventeen. It was great throwing poppers around a place that i knew not many had been thrown before.

I would love to find out more about this destination and to also hear anything that anyone knows about it.....has anyone ever fished there before.....

Ohh yeah it was 35 to 37 degrees and over 90 percent humidity as well...

mark kyriacou

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 03, 2011, 05:46:12 PM
far out that temp would be crazy hot throwing the lures around but sounds preety cool

Shaun Raymond

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 05, 2011, 12:23:39 AM
We were constantly pouring buckets of seawater on each other as it became the only way to stay alive

Brett Guy

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 05, 2011, 05:43:09 PM
Sounds abot right. That sort of Humidity would kill normal people. I am from FNQ and it scares me

Ed Nicholas

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 18, 2011, 08:48:37 PM
Sweet man! Love Sri but not had as much luck as you . . i took a boat out and it was one of their local fishing types that sucked on the rough seas and we didnt catch s**t. Fantastic island though and lovely people, really cant recommend that place enough to anyone thinking of going. Where were you when you fished!? Might have to make a sneaky trip down there next time i take the wife away :) 'Oh look what a suprise i can fish here . . how did that rod get in my bag . . its ok my love i will treat you to a spa day  8)'

Shaun Raymond

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 18, 2011, 09:36:44 PM

Hey mate my parents are from sri lanka so i have the benefit of a few local contacts there, last year we took a military plane and went north to trincomelle where the fishing was no good at all due to the locals still using dynamite in their water, it was sad to find out but life is such a struggle there sometimes that survival is utmost, especially when compared to conserving for the future.
This time i organised with a Friend of a Friend a guy who had access to a slow old but big fishing boat and operated out of hikkaduwa he cost me about 200 for a nine to eleven hour day and he took me to the shelf and to a gt spot, on the troll we picked up mackerel and wahoo, we also got some shark mackerel and although we dont eat them here they tasted great over there, apparently due to a difference in the salinity levels, we found gt where he said they would be, we boated a few with the biggest being about 17 kg.

If you are interested mate i can tell you the guys to go with, it all depends on what time of the year you would be visiting as there is always only one coast at a time with good fishing due to the constant monsoon winds hitting the country, i think there is some awsome potential for tropic fishing in sri lanka which has not been even close to discovered. My next trip there will be in march next year to a place called the great basses, it is a small few islands to the south of sri lanka which apparently can only be visited in march or april......

There is also some great diving options there as i recently found out....and you can keep the missus happy at the spa for about one tenth of the cost here.... Everybody wins

kegan mattheys

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 26, 2011, 01:52:11 AM
Hi Shaun,

Sounds like you had a good time, we planning to do a trip to sri lanka and get some fishing in while we there, we where thinking of going north but you say you never had much luck, what areas would you suggest we check out? any info would be great!


Shaun Raymond

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
May 28, 2011, 06:20:07 PM

What time of the year are you heading there mate, chuck me a pm and i will give you what ever info i can mate

Ed Nicholas

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Re: Gt fishing in sri lanka
June 03, 2011, 04:37:23 AM
Whats up Shaun,

Thanks for the reply dude, cant believe you were in hikkaduwa . . thats where i was when i fished but didnt have any luck. Seems you had an awesome trip. Will defo hit you up before i next go.

Ive been to Sri heaps of times as its so easy to get to from Dubai where i am at the mo' and i like to surf, surfed both sides of the island following the monsoon. Spent 5 weeks there a few summers ago travelling all over and spent most of the time in Tamil territory down south in Aragum bay, one the most beautiful paces i have ever been. Fishing there would be awesome!

Kegan some cool places to check out if not just fishing, happy to share my experiences and where me and the boys/wife like. Tight lines Ed