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jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 09, 2007, 08:47:19 PM
hey guys - good to see a dedicated jigging/popping site

i do a stack of jigging off sydney for kings (yellowtail), planning to get out after some yellowfin this weekend and was wondering what jigs and rigs are favoured when targetting tuna.

have seen a few dvds where tuna seem to be targetted with heavy, slender baitfish profiles with a large treble or single hook at the rear of the jig as opposed to an assist hook.

water depth will be over around 500 fathoms, will troll or cube to locate/attract the fish then planning to drop some jigs a short distance and rip them back - just wondering what jigs and rigs ppl use.


Brandon Khoo

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 12:00:35 AM
Hi Sami - welcome to the site!
Jigging/popping for yellowfin are certainly not as popular here as it is in other countries like the USA. There, they seem to target yellowfin specifically with popping and jigging techniques. The little I've read is as you've set out below. Small, heavy jigs worked very quickly with a treble or single off the tail.

I tried this (unsuccessfully) in Vanuatu around a FAD. It feel very strange dropping a jig down when you know you will never hit the bottom!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Greg Burt

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 09:04:51 AM
That's a great jigging article you did in Fishing World Sami, very good reading. The 'spiced' up jig was different where it looks like the Kingie took the plastic squid, if it works , GOOD.
I have had a few tuna on jigs but never a YF [yet], mostly Bonito and Mac Tuna and always in 70m or deeper water, not target species but always fun. As Brandon said, in the US they use the smaller profile jigs and also cast for them with stickbaits which is one of my aims this summer.
Let us know how your trip went, we can't get out fishing here as every weekend its blowing 15-25knots. >:(
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Brandon Khoo

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 09:06:37 AM
at least you have the possibility of getting out, Bun.  I only get to go out when I go away on a trip, once every few months!
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Greg Burt

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 09:34:52 AM
Not a fishing trip this week for you Brandon, at least you can hit the tackle shops in Singapore ;D.
Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 02:35:07 PM by Greg Burt
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Brett Carter

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 01:42:17 PM
Hey Sami how you been mate? You know i've always been a big fan of the Zest and Smith jigs, they seem to have the best action and give off a great flutter going down and when ripping up through the water and they always perform when things are a bit slow out there... There pricey but worth it! Let us know how you went with the fin mate ;) We'll have to get out there soon and do some filming and underwater filming with Jeffro.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 08:39:40 PM
I haven't done a lot of jigging for Fin but have caught them as a by-catch - mainly on smaller jigs such as hookers. You may want to PM Mark Stotesbury on this forum who seems to target them regularly in South Africa.

If you know fish are in the trail, i reckon it would be worth a shot dropping down a sinking stickbait such as an Orion BigFoot/Ocea Pencil etc.

Good luck mate.

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 08:41:50 PM
Btw, all the by-catch has been on a slow, deliberate slider technique chasing Dogtooth - not fast action, slow it down baby! 8)

Greg Burt

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 10, 2007, 09:01:29 PM
The Baby Runboh is a favorite stickbait for tuna casting, this ones a Bluefin ;D
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Kil Song

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 11, 2007, 03:24:19 AM
Hi Sami - welcome to the site!
Jigging/popping for yellowfin are certainly not as popular here as it is in other countries like the USA. There, they seem to target yellowfin specifically with popping and jigging techniques. The little I've read is as you've set out below. Small, heavy jigs worked very quickly with a treble or single off the tail.

I tried this (unsuccessfully) in Vanuatu around a FAD. It feel very strange dropping a jig down when you know you will never hit the bottom!
I found this site while looking for information about GT popping as I go to Taveuni Island, Fiji by the end of Nov. 
I happen to jig tuna including yellowfin  regularly on the East Coast of the U.S..
The most popular technique for tuna jigging here is slow jiggigng by moving rods up and down in desirable depths.  Though we jig them at the edge of canyon or deeper, you rarely catch them deeper than 100 meter and the prime depth you jig is 30 - 50 meter deep.
While you catch them longer or bigger jigs, you get more bites with smaller jigs. My preferred jigs are mostly 200 - 250 gram/ 15-20 centimeter though I've seen long jigs or bigger jigs work.
220g Seven Seas Hooker jigs work great for tuna.

The jigging techniques you use also work for tuna too.  Tuna jigging here usually reguire longer hours and it is not uncommon we jig 10-12 hours non-stop to get a few bites on jigs as
tuna don't bite all the time and they sometimes just ignore jigs and you never know when they respond to jigs. 
Many guys use treble hooks or single hooks, but assist hooks work as well.

I saw one member posted a tuna picture caught on a jig in South Africa.  My next destination is Cape Town for jigging big yellowfin, probably Nov, 2008. :)

Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 03:31:31 AM by ksong

Luke Wyrsta

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 11, 2007, 10:16:36 AM
Welcome KSONG,

Thanks for such an informative post.

Greg Burt

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 11, 2007, 02:05:32 PM
Great info KSONG, you guys get some diversified catches in the US, the Tuna/Runboh pic in the post above was from one of Sami's [US Sami] Cape Cod trips, and well done on your Broadbill [2] on jig captures, the only ones I have heard of, I would say the 'Kiwi' Jiggers would be interested in that. Oh, and I also see you like fresh Calamari ;D

There are some Fiji threads/topics throughout the site that might be interesting to you, especially Sachin Chaudhry's.http://www.gtpopping.com/forum/index.php/topic,190.msg2071.html#msg2071
Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 05:58:38 PM by Greg Burt
Greg 'FFF' Burt

Kil Song

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 11, 2007, 03:28:02 PM
Great info KSONG, you guys get some diversified catches in the US, the Tuna/Runboh was from one of Sami's [US Sami] Cape Cod trips, and well done on your Broadbill [2] on jig captures, the only ones I have heard of, I would say the 'Kiwi' Jiggers would be interested in that. Oh, and I also see you like fresh Calamari ;D

There are some Fiji threads/topics throughout the site that might be interesting to you, especially Sachin Chaudhry's.http://www.gtpopping.com/forum/index.php/topic,190.msg2071.html#msg2071

Thanks for your kind words. :)
Catching two swordfish on jigs on a single trip should be my highlight of this year.
I always envy 'Kiwi' jiggers as they can fish Ranfurly Bank, Three Kings Islands or giant bluefin tuna out of South Island. I might go back to NZ again next year to jig giant bluefin.
I had a chance to fight a giant estimated about 400 lbs on a jig for half an hour, but 100 lbs leader line was cut by the fin.

I think our group is going to have fun in Taveuni Island, Fiji if weather cooperates. :)

Brandon Khoo

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 11, 2007, 05:08:52 PM
ksong, thanks for sharing your knowledge. It's great information for us guys who know nothing about it.

I can't see how you're ever going to top jigging up two swordfish. That is my dream fish. Jigging giant bluefin is going to be a completely different kettle of fish. Dave Irving was actually looking at trying this at some point as well. This would have to up there in terms of jigging captures if you can land on of these although I think a really big swordie would be the ultimate capture on jig.

Hope you have good weather at Taveuni. The fishing should be fantastic there.
If it swims; I want to catch it!

Greg Burt

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Re: jigging yellowfin - jigs and rigs
November 12, 2007, 10:27:39 AM
Nice 300+lb YFT on Surface Bull.
Greg 'FFF' Burt